What your child will be taught
in Year 3 this half term
Welcome to Year 3 Autumn 2 newsletter. In Year 3, the children will be taught the following subjects this half term:
Literacy: The main focus for this half term will be to improve general presentation, handwriting skills and sentence construction.. We have a four week block on narrative. The children will be learning about and writing their own Myths and Legends. We will also be working on Poetry and Instructional texts.
Numeracy: This half term we will be looking at the properties of shapes and relating this to symmetry. The children will be recognising fractions and interpreting data. This will be linked to Science and ICT. There will still be a focus on the children learning their times tables
Science: This half term the children will be learning about the different ‘Characteristics of Materials.’
Information Technology: We are still working on combining text and graphics using ‘Word & Publisher’. As part of our Numeracy the children will be collecting data and plotting the data collected onto an Excel sheet.
Art: The children will be looking at how different repeated patterns are made, focusing on Christmas wrapping paper. They will use their investigations to design their own wrapping paper..
History: The children will be learning about their local area and how Southampton has changed over the years. They will be looking at the comparisons of the old walls and West Quay to Lordshill.
Music: A music specialist will be coming in to teach the children their music curriculum.
Physical Education: We are continuing with problem solving games to develop the children’s teamwork and trust of one another. In dance they will be designing their own dances based on one of Herakles’ labours.
Personal, Social and Health Education: This half term we will carry on looking at ‘New Beginnings’. The children will be learning about themselves and their peers and how to be a good member of the school community.
Religious Education: We will be looking at ‘Mary Mother of God’. This will be looking at the concept of ‘Holy’.
Obviously, these are only broad headings. The teachers have detailed plans for each of the above subjects. Should you wish to see them, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
P.E. (indoor) All Year 3 Thursday
Games (outdoor) 3RH Monday & Friday
3BB/SJ & 3KE Tuesday & Friday
Homework: Given on Wednesday due in Monday, plus reading & spellings each night.
Could all children please have their Homework Diaries signed regularly.
Thank you very much for your support.
Autumn 2008 (2)